devops toolkit

Automate Everything: How One Manifest Powers Your Entire DevOps Pipeline

The Dark Side of Open Source: Are We All Just Selfish?

The Best DevOps Tools, Platforms, and Services In 2024!

10 CLIs I Can Not Live Without!

Master Your New Laptop Setup: Tools, Configs (dot Files), and Secrets!

Essential DevOps Toolkit for 2024: Must-Have Tools for Every DevOps Engineer

GitOps Broke CI/CD! Here's How to Fix It With Argo Events

How To Create A Complete Internal Developer Platform (IDP)?

Simplified GitOps with ArgoCD: Hands-On Tutorial by

Terraform vs. Crossplane vs. Ansible - Rivals or Allies?

From Makefile to Justfile (or Taskfile): Recipe Runner Replacement

The Best DevOps Tools, Platforms, And Services In 2023?

Mastering Kubernetes: Workloads APIs (Deployment, StatefulSet, ReplicaSet, Pod, etc.)

Dagger: The Missing Ingredient for Your Disastrous CI/CD Pipeline

Transform Your Terminal: 3 Must-Have Zsh Plugins!

Debug Kubernetes with eBPF and Inspektor Gadget

From Boring to Productive: Customize Your Shell Prompt with Starship

Single Pane of Glass for Everything (AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, ...) with Steampipe

Getting Started with Crossplane: A Glimpse Into the Future | Tutorial (Part 1)

How Platform Engineering Compares to Running a Restaurant

Mastering Kubernetes: Service and Network APIs (Service, Ingress, GatewayAPI)

Scaling Explained Through Kubernetes HPA, VPA, KEDA & Cluster Autoscaler

Nix for Everyone: Unleash Devbox for Simplified Development

Mastering Developer Portals: Discover & Integrate API Schemas with Port